What are the main trends & evolutions in Mobile Marketing?

what are the main trends & evolutions in Mobile Marketing?
How has the mobile marketing market evolved?
Mobile marketing is growing exponentially. More and more companies are using mobile messaging to communicate directly with their contacts. In mobile marketing, SMS takes a predominant part. With an average growth of more than 30% per year for more than 15 years, there are now nearly 6.7 billion A2P (Application To Person) SMS sent in 2019 (MMAF figures).
In addition to this craze for the use of A2P SMS, the arrival of new mobile messaging channels has also fuelled the growth and dynamism of the market in recent months.
On the one hand, WhatsApp has opened a Business API allowing companies to be present and communicate with their customers on this application to more than 2 billion users. And there is also the RCS, supported by both Google and telecom operators, which is helping to enrich and therefore make the native mobile messaging of the latest generation smartphones more attractive and interactive.
What are the major trends in mobile marketing that you have observed in recent years?
In addition to the arrival of new channels that will undoubtedly renew and re-invent the use of mobile messaging in communication strategies, there has been a real increase in the use of SMS for notification purposes.
In the early days, SMS was exclusively reserved for sending marketing messages. Today, it is increasingly used to give one-to-one information associated with the customer journey (appointment confirmation, delivery confirmation, etc.). Currently, our services route almost as many SMS Notifications as SMS Marketing and this trend is growing every year.
Are technological innovations, including RCS, about to revolutionize mobile marketing?
Yes, RCS and WhatsApp capabilities are opening up new perspectives and communication opportunities for brands. Multimedia messages including image, sound, video… or the conversational experience – whether or not associated with a bot – are irrevocably changing the power and the way of conceiving a mobile message communication.
The first experiments on both WhatsApp and RCS have been conducted for almost a year and the first results reveal very encouraging results: for RCS, a click rate 3 times higher than SMS and a conversion rate twice as high.
Once adopted by brands and their users, brands should exploit the full potential offered by these new channels and create new experiences in conversational commerce, drive to store, customer support, etc. The field of possibilities has to be drawn and invented…
What is the future of SMS marketing made of?
SMS is destined to be a failover solution in RCS or WhatsApp scenarios, but also to endure as a mobile communication medium in its own right.
Indeed, it remains the only universal mobile messaging, compatible with 100% of phones and on 100% of the territory (so even in white areas not covered by 3G / 4G networks). As such, it should keep for at least a few more years, all its letters of nobility in communication strategies.